Top ten 3-6 months baby essentials that worked for us!

So many milestones happened in the 3-6 months stage. Gray has now better control of his neck, started rolling over, lots of babbling, laughing, scooting, learning to sit up and has started eating solids! These top ten 3-6 months baby essentials products were truly our must haves during this stage.
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- Skip Hop Explore & More Baby's View 3- Stage Activity Center - Gray started using this at 4 months and absolutely loves it! He is still using this at seven months. He can keep himself entertained on this table for quite sometime, which is absolutely necessary if you expect to get anything done or have a moment to yourself while he's awake.
- Ergobaby Carrier, 360 All Carry Positions Baby Carrier with Cool Air Mesh, Carbon Grey - This comes handy when I need both hands to food prep, cleaning our home, and get some work done. Not to mention is also great on walks and hikes.
- Baby Einstein 4-in-1 Kickin' Tunes Music and Language Discovery Activity Gym - I'm a big fan of all the baby Einstein toys - this play mat was a winner for us. Gray really disliked tummy time the first few months, but he really enjoyed doing tummy time on this activity gym. He loves the colors, the trilingual piano and staring at the different toys hanging from above. He still uses this at seven months.
- WubbaNub Elephant Pacifier During the newborn stage Gray was not big on pacifiers. However, during the 3-6 month stage he started soothing with this paci during nap times. He's not really dependent on it, but loves playing with the elephant before falling asleep from time to time.
- Manhattan Toy Winkel Rattle & Sensory Teether Toy - this toy is a great teether. Love that it's soft and easy for baby to grab and is not heavy if it falls on their face while playing.
- VTech Digital Audio Baby Monitor with High Quality Sound - DM111 - These budget friendly baby monitors come in handy when baby is sleeping in a different room or is upstairs. It gives enough piece of mind that I don't have to be constantly checking on him, and can knock out a few tasks while he sleeps.
- Fisher-Price Rattle 'n Rock Maracas - love how light weight and easy to grab these are. Gray is all about moving his arms during this stage and this has been a fun and gentle toy that usually comes flying at us once or twice a day.
- Cuddle Club Baby Fleece Sleep Sack - Infant Wearable Blanket Newborn Sleepbag - After Gray started rolling over we stopped using the swaddle sleepsacks and this wearable blanket has worked great for us. In addition it keeps him warm at night. It zips closed from top to bottom, so there's nothing sticking out to irritate him while sleeping.
- Evenflo EveryStage DLX 3-in-1 Convertible Car Seat - Gray outgrew his travel system carseat pretty quick. This carseat was a better option for us and will grow with him basically until he leaves for college. This carseat is supposed to be good for children up to 120 pounds! He's currently around 20lbs and is still using it as rear facing.
- Stroller Sleeping Bag - This has been really handy when going on walks on those chilly days. No more loose blankets falling on the ground and it has holes to fit the straps through to keep him safe. We tested the real functionality of this while it was snowing and it kept Gray nice and warm!
Favorite diapers so far:
Pampers Swaddlers We've tried a few different brands of diapers and the Swaddlers are the one's we keep coming back to. No one likes a blow-out, and we've found that these seem to contain the undesirable contents the best. If you find yourself with frequent leaks try going up a size of diaper before losing hope.
There are so many baby must-haves out there, but these are our top ten that really worked for us during the 3-6 month stage. We hope some of the items on this list will help you and your baby, and make parenting just a little bit easier. We're in this together!
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